1-800-BOLLARDS offers over 200 RAL powder-coated colors. Our most common colors are Yellow (RAL1023) and Black (RAL9005).

Click the link to explore more color options.

There are many things to consider when choosing a bollard for a particular project. The first and most important question to ask is, “What am I trying to stop?” Are the bollards going to be used as a traffic deterrent or, are they going to be needed to stop an oncoming vehicle? If they are to stop oncoming vehicles, the question to ask is, “How heavy is the vehicle and how fast will it be able to get up to before impact?” Once those questions are determined, it will be easier to find the right bollard. Our 1-800-BOLLARDS team will be happy to assist you with making that determination. Other questions about design features to consider are:

  • Is this bollard going to be a permanent fixture?
  • Will the bollard need to be removed sometimes to allow service and other vehicles entry?
  • Do the bollards need to be more visible or is it important to match the design aesthetics of the property?

1-800-BOLLARDS will always recommend a strip footing. It is the strongest and most reliable design. When an impact occurs, the entire footing will absorb the impact and not just the individual bollard. Strip footings are a little more expensive, but if you are looking for maximum protection, a strip footing is the best way to go. 1-800-BOLLARDS will include a sample of a typical footing with every bollard. We recommend that you have your engineer review the footing and determine exactly what type of footing is needed for your particular project.

Fixed or embedded bollards – These bollards are cemented into the ground and cannot be moved
Baseplate mounted bollards – Baseplate mounted bollards are typically used in a parking garage that has a suspended slab that cannot be drilled into. Baseplate mounted bollards are not designed to stop vehicles. They are used as a traffic deterrent.
Removable bollards – Removable bollards will not only stop an oncoming vehicle, but they can also be removed for limited access to service, emergency and approved vehicles.
Retractable bollards – There are many types of retractable bollards. The heavier manual lift bollards also have an assisted lift feature to help the bollard rise more easily. These bollards may be used when removing them is not an option.
High Security bollards – 1-800-BOLLARDS offers a full line of high security bollards including- K12/M50 deep mount and shallow mount bollards, retractable bollards and removable bollards. We also offer K4/M30 deep mount and shallow mount bollards, as well as removable bollards.

1-800-BOLLARDS bollards are made from carbon steel or stainless steel. Carbon steel bollards can be galvanized or zinc coated for added protection. We then powder coat the bollards in over 200+ powder coat colors. Safety yellow is the most popular. Stainless steel bollards are quickly becoming the bollard of choice. They are rust resistant and have a clean, finished look to accentuate any architectural design. 1-800-BOLLARDS also offers a stainless steel cover to fit any bollard 8” or above for a finished look.

Our bollards range in size from 3” diameter to 12” diameter. The standard bollard height is 36”. Anything shorter than 36” and the bollards may not be able to be seen from the road or when a pedestrian is walking with their arms full. Increasing the height of the bollard is no problem and can only increase its visibility.

1-800-BOLLARDS standard bollard depth is 15” for bollard diameters of 3” to 8”. 10” and 12” bollards have a depth of 18”. These depths combined with a proper footing will provide a strong foundation. Some cold weather areas may have a frost line that is deeper than the recommended depth. Please check your local area about the depth your frost line is. You may have to dig deeper than the frost line to prevent buckling. (you don’t have to put the bollard deeper, just dig deeper below the frost line)

With diameters of 6” and above, we can design a shallow mount bollard with a depth of 12” or less. The cost of a shallow mount bollard is a little bit more, but the installation savings will more than make up the extra cost. Call 1-800-BOLLARDS team for details.

We recommend a maximum of 5 feet on center for placement of your bollards. At that distance, in case of an impact, the vehicle will most likely hit two bollards. Any farther apart and a vehicle may be able to get in between the bollards. Ultimately, the choice is up to the designer or engineer on your project.

The short answer is no. On the smaller sized bollards, filling them with cement will actually weaken them. When an impact occurs, the bollard has no place to bend or give if there is cement inside, so the bollard may shear off at its weakest point. With a larger diameter bollard, filling it with cement will add bulk. 1-800-BOLLARDS welds a finished cap on top of the bollard so it looks better than mounding cement on top of the bollard. Our goal is to deliver the most complete and best looking product available. Also, by not using cement to fill the bollards, there will be a tremendous savings for the installer on time and materials.

Yes. When ordering bollards, contacting 1-800-BOLLARDS directly is the best way to get the process started. We do have approved distributors across the US. If a distributor is not available in your area, 1-800-BOLLARDS will process your order directly.

Absolutely. With over 25 years combined experience, the experts at 1-800-BOLLARDS have seen it all and have worked on major projects around the world. If you have a custom design, bring it to our experts and we will help you to make sure it not only looks great, but is strong enough to do the job for which it is intended. Our experts have helped design major projects including sporting arenas and stadiums, shopping malls, military installations, parks and very high traffic and visibility areas. If you choose to use cement to fill the bollards, you can make them look good with our attractive and low maintenance line of Post Guard bollard covers.

With any item that is going to be out in the elements, there will be some maintenance required. We recommended hosing or washing off any debris that may attach itself to the bollards. Also, if you have removable or retractable bollards, make sure that the area is free of debris so it will not impede the movement of the bollard.

With the removable bollard, the security bolts are included. On the baseplate mounted, the bolts are not included. There are several different ways to install a baseplate mounted bollards, so for that reason, we do not include the bolts.