Wildlife refuges are natural treasures that provide safe havens for a wide variety of animals. One of the many ways to protect them is with bollards. These security and safety products offer a diverse range of applications, including those that benefit wildlife sanctuaries. Review some of the best uses for bollards in these natural areas below.

1. Keep Visitors Out of Sensitive Areas

Some areas of a wildlife sanctuary might be off-limits at certain times of the year, such as when certain animals are nesting or have young offspring. Bollards help keep hikers, bike riders, and other visitors out of these areas to protect the wildlife. Animals get to live in peace instead of being frightened, and they can protect their offspring more effectively. Chain-linked portable bollards are typically best for this application since they can be moved as needed to different areas throughout the year and make it clear that the natural spaces are not for visitors.

2. Provide Guideposts For Hikers

It is not uncommon for a wildlife refuge to have one or several hiking paths. Depending on the acreage and how dense the vegetation is, it can be easy to get lost and literally go off the beaten path. And while most hiking trails feature small, colored markers that let hikers know they are going the right way, such markers can get displaced easily. Solid bollards, such as high-security options, provide clear guideposts that hikers can follow. Not only does this reduce the number of lost hikers, but it also keeps them out of natural areas that need protecting, such as ones with rare plants and other delicate vegetation.

3. Help Visitors Find Their Way In & Out

Staggered bollards with signage attached help visitors driving to and from the wildlife refuge stay on the right path. Some sanctuaries feature dirt roads that can become confusing to navigate, especially if there are many “offshoot” roads to contend with. By placing portable bollards with signs throughout the entry and exit roads, drivers can easily come and go without creating traffic jams. They will also enjoy greater peace of mind knowing they are going the right way in an unfamiliar area. Bollards with signage can also be used to direct visitors to event areas, such as outdoor stages featuring special guests.

Find the right bollards for your wildlife refuge today at 1800Bollards, your premier bollard partner on the web.