
4 Uses For Bollards in Playgrounds

Bollards enhance safety in public and commercial spaces, including those meant for children. They contribute to safer public and school playgrounds in numerous ways, allowing parents and teachers to feel less stressed while kids run and play. Review some of the top uses for bollards at school and local playgrounds. 

Connecting Street Protection

The streets connecting to playgrounds are often busy with little children running to and from the grounds. Placing removable bollards along connecting street paths increase their visibility, especially if the bollards are brightly-colored. Drivers know to slow down and stop long before they see the crossing guard, helping children cross the street feeling extra safe. Retractable bollards also provide connecting street protection that’s sturdier since they cannot be moved by vehicles or vandals. Since they lower into the ground, retractable bollards will not affect traffic when playground hours are over. 

Equipment Protection

Playground equipment is rarely cheap. Rather than paying for expensive, premature replacements, consider installing bollards. They are especially helpful if playground equipment is relatively close to the street and subsequently at risk of damage from wayward vehicles. By placing permanent safety bollards around the equipment, drivers are reminded to drive more slowly and the bollards prevent them from making contact with equipment. Bollards stop the cars to protect the equipment and the children playing on it. 

Parking Lot Protection

Parking lots are notoriously dangerous since drivers and pedestrians are always coming and going. Adding permanent security bollards around the perimeter of the playground parking lot keeps distracted, drowsy, and intoxicated drivers from entering lots, which helps prevent them from potentially causing serious injuries and property damage. Since small children get distracted easily, adding this layer of protection often proves invaluable. Bollards can also be added to the middle of the parking lot to create a safe median for parents and children to walk. Larger lots with increased traffic benefit significantly from safe median creation. 

Play Area Protection

Playgrounds come in many forms, such as the summer playground under Highway 95 in South Philadelphia, PA. Such playgrounds are surrounded by traffic on a daily basis. And while they feature tall fences to keep children safe, permanent safety bollards provide even greater protection. As with parking lots, they create a safe perimeter that allows children to focus on playing instead of nearby vehicles. Bollards make it impossible for wayward drivers to breakthrough. 

Find the ideal bollards for your playground today at 1800Bollards.com.

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